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Showing posts from December, 2023

Public Speaking and Communication Training Application

EmoSpeak Coach, one of my latest creations, is a groundbreaking public speaking and communication training application born out of a personal necessity. As someone deeply invested in effective communication, I created this tool to provide real-time insights into emotional cues and speech patterns during public speaking, aiming to empower individuals on their journey to becoming confident communicators. The inspiration behind EmoSpeak Coach lies in my own experiences, realizing the need for a comprehensive tool that combines face and hands detection, speech-to-text capabilities, and text context evaluation. The goal was to offer users a holistic understanding of their communication style, beyond just emotional expression and speech delivery. The project kicked off with an in-depth analysis of relevant studies, setting the foundation for EmoSpeak Coach. Through meticulous comparisons with alternative models and experimentation with various features, the application evolved to provide use